Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why can't I have a NORMAL mother?

I accepted a long freaking time ago that my mother is not one of those you would call a "Good parent", she's not even close to a medeocre parent, But she is my mother, So I deal with her. Luckily she lives a whole province away, So its a whole lot easier. Most of the time. For the past several months she's been planning to come visit for 2 weeks when baby comes. She told me in September that she had already purchased her bus ticket. Greyhound has open ended tickets, so you can hop on any bus within a certain date range,So that was fine. Come December we discovered she really hadn't bought her ticket. Whatever, pretty typical of my mom, and we were actually hoping perhaps she wouldn't be able to get one. as time passed, her trip slowly shortened to being a week long because of "work", She hopes we wouldn't be too upset, (we were extatic, less time to have to put up with her "Help"). She did end up coming, on a bus last friday. The bus trip ended up being 30 hours instead of 13 due to road issues. So I've spent the last week being her hotel, having her wardrobe strewn all over my livingroom, Her driving my 4 year old to distraction, and guilt tripping me for "pouting and being angry because she wanted a photo of my baby belly" when really I was sitting in my chair concentrating on making my severe toothache go the hell away. My husband realized that the look on my face was one of agony. but my mother "knows me too well" and that look is obviously one of the pouting little girl who didn't get her way. Yeah... Those are equal. She's taken over my telephone, It doesn't ring unless its for her, She's "Aquired" a coffeepot from one of her male friends, No one in my house drinks coffee, we actually hate the smell of the shit, so I'm stuck walking into a kitchen that stinks of coffee at all hours of the day and night, Unfortunately she doesn't have room to take the damned thing with her, I told her we'll jsut donate it once she leaves, NOT ALLOWED! It's not her coffeepot after all, We need to just store it until the next time she comes to visit. Oh, we'll store it. in the garbage can once we've taken a baseball bat to it.

Thursday night at the hospital, shortly after having given birth, She informed me that she spoke to her work and could stay till wednsday, She had just bought her return ticket though, so she would have to change the ticket in the morning. wasn't I excited? Not really. Come morning she discovered it would cost her an extra 50$ to change the ticket, So she couldn't do it, she'll have to leave monday. OH, thats too bad! not really... Saturday, I had to listen to her whine and moan about how she needs to spend as much time as possible with her precious grand children since she doesnt have long, boo hoo, boo hoo, and by the way would I be willing to lend her the 50$ to change her ticket so she could stay an extra 2 days? Against my better judgement, I agreed. Toby took her to the mall to change her ticket, where they informed her that it was actually going to cost her 75$. So her plans were foiled yet again. Toby brought her home where we fully expected her to spent tons of time with the little ones, Instead she got back, sat down at her laptop, and started helping out some friends with computer issues. She did this for several hours, and then a friend of hers came over to visit, and stayed until approximately 10pm. After which she got back to helping with computer problems until midnight, and then all morning this morning until My 4 year old left for his father's house, He won't be back before she leaves to go home. Really glad she got to spend that extra time with him thats for sure. I'll give her that when she does find time to spend with him, she is good. She did some crafts, played some board games, Chance had an entire cupboard full of board games, he adores them. But she also spent a lot of time telling him to play on her computer so she wouldn't have to deal with him. Nevertheless, that is still a whole lot more than she ever did with me when I was a child.

Now i'm sitting at my computer beside my husband, trying to decide what to do today, I was supposed to go visit someone, but they got sick and had to cancel. Now I'm kind of fidgitty, since I was hoping going out would pull me out of my doldrums, and free me from listening to my mother inform me for the hundredth time that I am not allowed to get rid of this godforsaken coffeepot. I put on a load of laundry, only to discover that the washing machine was set to hot water. I never, EVER wash in anything but cold water. EVER, nor does my husband. Therefore the temperature setting on the washing machine is not something we check. Imagine my surprise to find I'd jsut washed my dark sheets in hot water. Joy.

Alright, I know I sound like an ungrateful brat of a daughter, bitching over little things, but to fully understand the anger that I feel, you really need to know the background of it. and that is much too much for any one blog post. although venting some of those stories may give me a degree of relief in the future... For now though, I'm going to go and attempt to make myself feel a little bit better. Maybe I'll Take Toby up on his offer to take me shopping. Not something he does often, So I know he's worried about me. <3


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