Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Must

So we recently took a trip to wal-mart, and while we were wandering through the baby section Toby picked up a double breast pump. "Mi-pump" by the first years, it was 80$ and it looked pretty good, and since Toby was OK with it, we bought it. I was so impressed, It works great and it's 100x quieter than the evenflo comfort select. So I'm happy.

Saturday I went shopping with Kim, We went to the dollar store just for fun. At Toys r us we got a couple little baby toys for Jon. After that we went to Twisted Yogurt and got some frozen yogurt, Yum! Then before we headed home we stopped at Pennington's since i had a coupon for 25$ off, I got a pair of pants and a shirt. After that we went home and left Jon with daddy and went to Ikea just to look around, I got a really cool wall hanging storage unit shaped like a frog for the baby's room I was super happy about that! I need to get Toby to come to Ikea with me soon too though because there was a good cheap coffee table there that I liked.

I got my Taxes filed this week! I was so proud, since i filed them super late last year and it screwed me over sooo bad, I didn't file till august, and with the change of marital status everything was messed up until December, and then they reassessed me in January, and screwed me again, The worst part is now they are processing shit again since they got baby's information, It's crazy. Hopefully it wont be nearly as bad this year!  I used this program i found through the CRA website "Studio Tax" It's FREE software, regardless of income, and its NETFILE certified. I'm very happy about it.

Yesterday I woke up sick, Sinus cold for the loss! So we ended up going to Sobeys to get me some medication and some snackables, It was good. I ended up getting a Tylenol Sinus combi pack, and I warned Toby that the nighttime pills would knock me on my ass, So he got to take care of baby all night. Taking care of baby is usually not much of an issue, He wakes up twice during the night for a change and feeding, no big, except he's sick too, So he was *apparently* up every 15 minutes and he was only drinking like 1-2 ounces at a time, So poor Toby got pretty much zero sleep, and i was just completely out all night! Luckily baby' nose seemed to clear up later this afternoon so hopefully he'll sleep better tonight, I know I feel a lot better today, Hopefulyl I'll be back to my old self by tomorrow.

Anyways, that's about all Ive got to say, nothign special just a random bit of babble. I'm gonna go get some sleep now since Its actually tomorrow now!  Night Night!


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