Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valentines Play

Oh, My God! Valentines Day is lless than 2 weeks away? I have no idea what I'm going to do this year. Last year i was AWESOME, I planned out this awesome adventure with little riddles in plastic heart containers that sent him fro one place to another to do this and that, I got him a game he wanted, breakfast in bed, lunch out, a fancy romancy hotel room for the night, dinner out, and all sorts of good stuff! It took alot of work but it was soooo worthwhile! This year, I didn't realize it was almost valentines day till like, yesterday, we have a newborn baby, and i have no clue what to do. I'm cool with dollar store goodness i really am, I'm thinking i might go there and se what i can dredge up... I'm thinking chocolate covered strawberries right, and i got this idea, Hersheys kisses making a path to the bathroom, and roses hanging from the showerhead, and a poster that says "I've kissed the ground you walk on, and Showered you with roses, now will you please be my valentine?" (I totally stole this idea...) But i dunno how cool that would be. Another idea i have is to make him a little gift basket of candies and such that he likes, i can get the basket and the wrapping goods from the dollar store, i can probably get most of the candy from there too, I'm just not sure what candy to get. It doesn't have to be just candy of course, anything he likes really i can put in there, maybe some 5 year old cheddar... I jsut question whether i can do this in time or not with a newborn! I'll have to find sometime to go to the store without Toby one day, this weekend perhaps... oh and like the day before valentines day for the strawberries...

Ok, but for now i'm going to the grocery store, i'll get the chocolate for the strawberries there, at least one thing done. and maybe some kisses too if i can pull it off without him noticing...

Happy February!


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